The Australian & New Zealand Roller Skating Open
The FEW are in cahoots with Brunny Hardcore and will be delivering the first Australian and New Zealand Roller Skate Open premiering live online on December the 12th. This competition is all about celebrating roller skating around Australia and New Zealand. The point of the event is to encourage participation from all skate journeys new and old. If you are new to roller skating at the skate park - GET INVOLVED!
All you have to do is film a 60 second edit of your bag of tricks, fill out the registration details and upload it to the website linked below. There are a number of awesome prizes to be won, so you don’t want to miss this opportunity!
There are different categories for skill level, creative flare and good old fashioned editing skillz.
The entry categories have been chosen to encourage participation: Skaters will have the opportunity to enter the following open categories:
- Junior - 17 and under
- Ramp - open to any skater to submit an edit on a single miniramp, vert ramp or bowl.
- Open unsponsored
- Open sponsored
Additional prizes will be awarded for:
- Best trick
- Best edit
- Best up and comer
- Judges choice

Head over to >> << and read the registration info!